B COVIDSafe Management Plan March 15, 2022
There are several cases of COVID-19 coronavirus (COVID) now in the community, and with the Premier's announcement of the easing of hard boarders in Western Australia on March 3 2022, the prevalence of COVID in the community is increasing exponentially.
In consideration of the health and safety of our staff (B Strata), the Owners, Residents, guests and contractors visiting the Strata Company, the Owners have adopted by ordinary resolution the following B COVIDSafe Management Plan (CSMP). The CSMP has been adopted to help promote the health, safety and wellbeing of everyone residing within and visiting your scheme and requires your participation. In the interest of this, in respect for your neighbours and wanting to build a more inclusive community that will be there to support you during these challenging times, we ask that you please adhere to the CSMP.
It is important to note that this is a best practice guide, and you should at all times refer to published Government information and the WA Health website. It is the role of ALL Residents to respect the policies being implemented within the CSMP and help regulate the conditions being imposed. It is not the role of B Strata nor your Council to police the policies and procedures adopted in the CSMP.